Thursday 25 February 2010

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film represents young women who have jobs which are filled with drudgery. Our film represents women who are helpless who are trapped in low level employment as a result of their gender. This means they are seen as less than males. This reflects the stereotypical view of women been in low level employment and beneath men.
The rest of the film would be seen as fairytale such as The Ugly Duckling. The audience will see the character growing in a Cinderella style narrative.

How did you attract/address your audience?
We attracted and addressed our audience in our opening sequence by using a young female as the lead character, as our target audience are mainly women aged between 13 -30 who this appeals to.
The main character is a female who lives in a middle class household but is not treated like one. This addresses the audience as our target audience are mainly middle class and could relate to the character.