Thursday 28 January 2010


A narrator is, within any story (literary work, movie, play, verbal account, etc.), the person that conveys the story to the audience. When the narrator is also a character within the story, he or she is sometimes known as the viewpoint character. The narrator is one of three entities responsible for story-telling of any kind. The others are the author and the audience; the latter called the "reader" when referring specifically to literature.

The usual storyline of chick flick film is normally about a young girl who meets a boy at a party or an event, they end up getting along really well but the boy has to leave. They think they will never see each other again and miraculously they meet again and have a relationship, popular girl usually gets jealous of the relationship as she also likes the guy, she plots against them and starts a rumour which breaks them up. The girl tries to talk to the guy but he doesn’t believe what she is telling him. In the end everything works out and there is a happy ending.
A narrator may tell the story from his own point of view (as a fictive entity) or from the point of view of one of the characters in the story. The act or process of telling the particulars of a story is referred to as narration. Along with exposition, argumentation, and description, narration (broadly defined) is one of four rhetorical modes of discourse. More narrowly defined, narration is the fiction-writing mode whereby the narrator communicates directly to the reader.
