Thursday 28 January 2010


Melodramas are defined as a women’s genre as the films represents the questions, difficulties and the worries that females face in a male dominated society.
In melodramas can be said to turn the female character into a victim. In the stereotypical chick flicks the main character gets hurt by either her love interest in the film or their friend, turning her into the victim, as she has done no wrong even is she has.
Melodramas often turn moral conflict into there main subject matter. The female characters experience the moral conflict. In chick flicks this could be the main female character feeling threatened or jealous of another female character in the movie. In most chick flicks the female character feels threatened by the women that could take her love interest away from her.
The plot of melodrama consists of twists and reversals in the storyline. In chick flicks this represents the typical storyline if girl meets boy, girl and boy fall in love, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back.Secrets dominate the melodrama storyline. In chick flicks his could be the reason why the male and female character break up in the middle of the film.