Thursday 28 January 2010

Time Plan for Creating Film

We first decided to allocate 10 Hours to the actually filming and the preparations needed for the filming, we did this over 2 weeks:
Thursday 14th January- 2 Hours
Wednesday 20th January- 3 Hours
Thursday 21st January- 2 Hours
Wednesday 27th January-3 Hours

After this we already had planned when we were going to start capturing and editing our film to create the final piece, for this we have allocated 7 Hours at the moment but may add another session if it is needed

Thursday 28th January- 2 Hours in this time we captured all of our film for the clips we are going to need for our final piece
Wednesday 3rd Febuary- 3 Hours in this time we did the main editing process where we made the actual film and finally saw our finished product without the add effects and titles
Thursday 4th Febuary- 2 Hours we finished our film by adding effects and titles and finally seeing our finished product.